2021: A Year of Challenges Overcome
Dear SAGIJ followers
One more year within the context of a pandemic and our beloved Society reinvented itself and put together an excellence academic year and with scope to professionals in free training thanks to the collaboration of the pharmaceutical industry that believed in us as quality and opinion-makers.
All the members of the Directive and Scientific Commissions, and the different Committees together with the National Provincial Delegations joined the pedagogical device, political and community actions in pursuit of the NO violation of the rights of our girls and adolescents.
We have generated webinars, livings, and meetings that kept us interconnected with all of you. We gave a new format to the Magazine about to be indexed, of public and free access, because we consider within our mission and vision that knowledge is a right of the human being and without barriers.
We form an interdisciplinary work team, with empathic and proactive listening that includes secretaries, technical support from Zoom, Web and Facebook, press and communication, influencers and activity on Instagram and Tic Toc for the community and human resources of the accounting and legal area. They all make SAGIJ possible.
I am convinced that we are on the right path, overcoming the obstacles that the national and global context presents us with.
I toast to a better year, summoning you to our 2022 Congress in conjunction with ALOGIA and celebrating with great emotion the 50 years of uninterrupted activity of our beloved SAGIJ.
Big HugS and see you later, thank you for joining us
Dr. Viviana Cramer
President of SAGIJ
together with the Directive
and Scientific Commission
and our National Delegates